Fortune Cookie Talk


The Clarity You Need is Within

Tap That Cookie!!

Life coaching at It's Finest

Master Your Shiat Show

Everyone is busy in life. No doubt about it.

We need to remind ourselves that we are never given anything we cannot handle. It might look like a disaster to you, but some people aren’t as lucky to have the opportunities you have in life. They are not mentally, physically, or emotionally ready for your level of a shiat show!


Your role is crucial for the rest of us.

Imagine life as a woodpecker, vibrant and rhythmic. Each day, you tap against the bark of trees, feeling the resonance through your beak as you search for food or carve out your home. The forest is alive with the scents of pine and the hum of other creatures, each playing their part.

Shoot Your Shot

Do you have the willpower to take the shot and miss?

We often wonder how people we envy get to where they are today. Envious or not, we all do it in our mind's eye. Everyone has the opportunity to create their own reality. By overcoming trials and tribulations, we can get to where we want to be. Could we be further along? Probably.

Bulletproof Your Energy

Not everyone, nor every place or thing, deserves your energy.

As we all know, everything is energy. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions attract this energy, shaping our experiences—often without our conscious awareness. Unintentionally, we draw in the good, the bad, and the ugly everywhere we go!

5 Effective Sales Traits for Guaranteed Success

Do you have what it takes to stand out as an effective salesperson in your industry?

We are all born natural salespeople, whether we realize it or not. How we hone and utilize these innate abilities can significantly influence our success. I’ve identified 5 effective sales traits that’s a must have for sales driven careers.

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The Clarity You Need is Within

Tap That Cookie!!

Life coaching at It's Finest


Everyone is busy in life. No doubt about that.

We need to remind ourselves that we are never given anything we cannot handle. It might look like a disaster to you, but some people aren’t as lucky to have the opportunities you have in life. They are not mentally, physically, or emotionally ready for your level of a shiat show!


Your role is crucial for the rest of us.

Imagine life as a woodpecker, vibrant and rhythmic. Each day, you tap against the bark of trees, feeling the resonance through your beak as you search for food or carve out your home. The forest is alive with the scents of pine and the hum of other creatures, each playing their part.

Shoot Your Shot

Do you have the willpower to take the shot and miss?

We often wonder how people we envy get to where they are today. Envious or not, we all do it in our mind's eye. Everyone has the opportunity to create their own reality. By overcoming trials and tribulations, we can get to where we want to be. Could we be further along? Probably.

Bulletproof Your Energy

Not everyone, places, and things deserve your energy.

As we all know, everything is energy. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions attract this energy, shaping our experiences—often without our conscious awareness. Unintentionally, we draw in the good, the bad, and the ugly everywhere we go!

5 Effective Sales Traits for Guaranteed Sucess

Do you have what it takes to stand out as an effective salesperson in your industry?

We are all born natural salespeople, whether we realize it or not. How we hone and utilize these innate abilities can significantly influence our success. I’ve identified 5 effective sales traits that’s a must have for sales driven careers.

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What I Do

I Coach.

I Speak.

I Write.

Mini Power Blogs

Lucky You

Often, we fall into a lack mindset without even knowing it. Our words and thoughts become a magnet...

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The more you achieve, the more they hate. The more you grow, the more they hate. Great job, you got...


We give time and energy to the people we love because we are all compassionate human beings in...

Laser Focused Coaching

Laser Focused Coaching We experience life as we go. These experiences can cripple or empower our...

About Me

Welcome to Fortune Cookie Talk!

The happiest most fulfilling Fortune Cookie Messages you will ever read!! Speaking your truth, wants, and needs into existence to change our reality is how we create magic! 😀 We encourage daily affirmation and powerful self-talk to rewire your mind, attract your success, and abundance!  We are all born with the possibilities to create the lives we want per the Fortune Cookie! We have your back, join our family!! 

 Life changing messages that speak to your soul to get you to dig deeper to what the message means for you. It’s time to “Tap – That – Cookie!”

 Cookie monsters are welcome. Get greedy and get more cookies below! 


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