Fortune Cookie Talk

Mini Power Blogs

Master of Your Shiat Show

Everyone is busy in life. No doubt about it. We all have too many things going on, but we’re making...


Imagine life as a woodpecker, vibrant and rhythmic. Each day, you tap against the bark of trees...

Shoot Your Shot

We often wonder how people we envy get to where they are today. Envious or not, we all do it in our...

5 Effective Sales Traits for Guaranteed Success

We are all born natural salespeople, whether we realize it or not. How we hone and utilize these...

Bulletproof Your Energy

As we all know, everything is energy. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions attract this energy...

Find the Good

We have no choice but to accept life responsibilities even though certain things do NOT bring us any...

Mental Peace

We must remind ourselves that everything around us is impermanent. People, places, and things shall...

Lucky You

Often, we fall into a lack mindset without even knowing it. Our words and thoughts become a magnet...