Fortune Cookie Talk

Laser Focused Coaching

Picture of By Fortune Cookie  |

By Fortune Cookie |

November 7, 2023 |

2 min. read


We experience life as we go.


These experiences can cripple or empower our minds to believe in a vision that molds our identity over time. Life trauma has the power to co-create that future that we may not be destined for.


Yet, we have no choice but to live through the B*S and find ourselves in the making.   


You don’t have to do it alone. A life coach can that identity the root causes of your illusions that you cannot see. A life coach will pull you through the life hurdles when you won’t. A life coach that will guide you on your path when you can’t see the road ahead. A life coach focuses on your main needs, on your time, and in the hopes’ that you find yourself sooner rather than later in life.


Fortune cookie life coach will find YOU!  


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