Fortune Cookie Talk

Fortune Cookie + Life Coach

I begin with gratitude.


I am grateful for my past and current clients, and business partners who I’ve helped inspired without me knowing my true talent!! Everyone around me has shared their present and trust with me to move them forward on their life path I didn’t even realize how much of an effect I was having on others’ lives. I have a special gift I was unconsciously sharing with the world. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and telling me to SPEAK UP and reach more beautiful souls to transform! I am now sharing my knowledge, my voice, and my deep commitment to raising the vibration of humanity because of you!! 


Time for the Cookie to RISE! 


= Life Mission


What is a Life Coach – Fortune Cookie Style? 



As your Life Coach my sole mission is to move you forward to where you should be and BRING YOU CLOSER TO YOUR FORTUNE. That FORTUNE can be in a form of anything your heart desires. Monetary fortune, spiritual fortune, wisdom fortune, career fortune; these are just some of the possible forms of FORTUNE as fortune is your blessing. It’s time to connect with your higher self and understand that you are the Master of your Masterpiece.  


I often work a bit differently from the typical l Life Coach. I believe in customized guidance for all my clients rather than the known conventional approach. Speaking to you in a one-on-one or group setting, I will be able to feel your energy and speak the truth to you. My skills come alive when you are in tune with your truth and desire to become your authentic self. We collaborate as one heart, one mind, and one soul. You will RISE!





You will have to opportunity to express your past, present, and future versions to me freely. We will declutter, heal, and revamp your actions to build the new you. I urge you to articulate your voice, surrender to your past pain, and show me what you got! Your vision of yourself might be BIGGER than you think!! Let’s see how high you can go! 



Who Needs A Fortune Life Coach?

  • You are emotionally drained by life and need help getting YOU Back.
  • You need help with being accountable, taking action, and staying focused on your path. 
  • You need positivity and inspiration in this crucial stage of life.
  • You are someone searching for your life purpose and no one “gets you.” 
  • You are someone who WANTS TO TAP THAT COOKIE! 

When Do You Need A Life Coach?

  • Roadblocks are inevitable and mentally to hard to handle alone – You Need Help.
  • When you realize you have so much more potential but are stuck in a world of illusion. 
  • When you realize you are bigger than where you are. What’s My LIFE PURPOSE? 
  • Going through a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING and you are confused AF.
  • Or, when shit is bat shi$ crazy and are completely lost! 

How Does a Coaching Work?

  • Offer undistracted, non-judgmental, presence to listen and help you find you. 
  • Discovering the underlying root causes of the problems, with you, that are holding you back and tackling them head-on.
  • Help you tap into your subconscious mind to see who and what’s keeping you stuck.
  • Shift your perspective and energy to maximize your true potential of your future self.  
  • Find your light and make it SHINE and keep it shining! 

At times you may need a different type of coach or service depending on where you’re at in life.  Life coaching may not be what you need right now, but please know I have your best interest at heart. It is my duty to get you on the right path and that is my only wish. Even if there is a step before Life Coaching; I will push you to go for it- from finding a therapist to making an appointment with a dentist. In the end, YOU WILL RISE and your LIGHT will shine! 

Why Our Philosophy Works!

We focus on the root cause of your present struggles and shine a light on your soul to persevere. You will quickly learn you are far more ADVANCED than you think. 

By giving the right guidance, you will learn how to maneuver around life’s difficulties by changing your mindset and discovering how to take action. You will be awakened to see your true potential and kick yourself for not realizing it earlier in life! 


Healing is key to building stronger boundaries to protect our soul.    Focus inward.       


You are worthy of all that you desire. Practice being present rather than living in the future


Quality is a form of honesty. Time well-spent to maximize your protentional.


Life is getting expensive! Affordable transformation for all!! 

What you should expect from me is my commitment to your success and authenticity in my guidance to you. What I expect from you is 100% commitment and faith in yourself in your ability to become the true and authentic version of you. Nothing happens overnight but in divine timing you will RISE.


Therefore, please note Fortune Cookie Life Coach is NOT like AMAZON PRIME – don’t expect next day delivery type service. XOXO


Getting You The Results You Deserve!