Fortune Cookie Talk

Guest Speaker for Equality: Real Talk for Real People

I am neither less than you, nor you less than me. We stand on equal ground, each a pillar of mutual respect and compassion. With every word, let me show you that this truth holds firm. Together, we create visions and dreams in harmony.

Witness The Chum Effect in full force. The Chum Effect embodies the power of unity and shared purpose, where every individual’s strength contributes to a collective greatness. Join me in embracing this truth, and together, we will witness The Chum Effect in its full force, creating a world where dreams and visions flourish in harmony.

Values that lead us


Think Big

You are bigger than what you believe. Start aiming higher to achieve what you are worthy for.



Have compassion for all walks of life regardless of your current situation. Compassion will come back in return.


Happiness within

Cultivate happiness within while filling one's cup, first. Your high energy within will carry you through any blockages.


Light the Fire

Eternal flames will forever be within. It's up to you to light it up or let it out. Keep the fire lite for your steps on your path.

See our ideas come to life

At the heart of our mission is the belief in the power of individual transformation. We strive to reach each person on a personal level, fostering inner change and growth. Our hope for the future is built on these transformative journeys.

We welcome everyone who is ready to embark on this path of self-discovery and growth. Explore our work and join us in making a positive impact on the world!

Check out our work below!

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Let’s get creative

Co-create a compelling presentation for your staff with us today! Our transparent and inclusive approach ensures that all perspectives are respected, fostering an environment of free expression and acceptance. Our guest speakers will captivate and inspire your team with their profound insights and experiences, delivering impactful messages that resonate deeply. Your lifeline is one call away. Call us today!  

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