Fortune Cookie Talk

Ignite Within by DC

Unleash the flame within

Sometimes, we forget the power we hold inside, only to realize how many untapped answers await discovery. Seeking outside validation serves us no good because what we validate externally is often unknown to us. It’s like looking for answers to a question that hasn’t been asked. So, we find ourselves back at square one and don’t know why.

All along, we have a flame within, but over the course of our lives, it diminishes. The older we grow, the less we tend to this flame. It’s up to you to reignite it. Where do you start? What do you do? How did it ever go out in the first place? Ignite Within by DC will show you that all things in life are highly flammable! Use this to your advantage.

Align yourself with your soul’s truth and waste no more time unleashing the flame within. Get coached by DC.


Know Your Worth

40+ Years Of Experience in Life

“Logic will get your from A to Z; Imangination will get you everywhere.”

Albert Einstein

understand the People

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Build People's Dreams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas enim libero, dignissim vitae ultrices et, luctus id urna. spendisse mollis tincidunt tortor vel malesuada. In nec dapibus sapien. Aliquam et lacus eget quam dignissim fringilla sed vitae sapien.

Work Hard to Succeed

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We Are Here To Help You With Any Questions You May Have

You can expect personalized attention where you are fully heard, understood, and respected. Each session is strategically guided to maximize impact, focusing on actionable steps and practical solutions. You’ll gain clarity, confidence, and the tools needed to ignite your inner potential and achieve your goals, all within a supportive and respectful environment.

The time needed to see progress largely depends on your level of commitment and willingness to transform. If you are truly committed to allowing yourself to stand in your power effortlessly, even a few focused sessions can lead to significant breakthroughs. Typically, clients start noticing positive changes within a few weeks of regular sessions. Consistent effort, openness to growth, and applying what you learn between sessions will accelerate your progress and help you achieve lifelong results.

No, I can’t guarantee that you’ll reach your goal because the action for change needs to come from you. It starts with you and ends with you. I will ignite your flame and keep you lit until you are ready to handle the fire within. With dedication and effort, you’ll discover the incredible power you have to achieve your dreams. You’ve already taken the first step by seeking out a coach, recognizing the massive potential within you! If you believe in yourself, then everyone else will believe in you too!


In divine timing, you will—with perseverance and faith. Don’t ever give up! Every effort you make brings you closer to success. Stay dedicated, keep pushing forward, and remember that persistence is key and the fire within will always be there. Light it up!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.