Fortune Cookie Talk

Ignite Within by DC

Unleash the flame within

Sometimes, we forget the power we hold inside, only to realize how many untapped answers await discovery. Seeking outside validation serves us no good because what we validate externally is often unknown to us. It’s like looking for answers to a question that hasn’t been asked. So, we find ourselves back at square one and don’t know why.

All along, we have a flame within, but over the course of our lives, it diminishes. The older we grow, the less we tend to this flame. It’s up to you to reignite it. Where do you start? What do you do? How did it ever go out in the first place? Ignite Within by DC will show you that all things in life are highly flammable! Use this to your advantage.

Align yourself with your soul’s truth and waste no more time unleashing the flame within. Get COACHED by DC. 


your time is now!

Personal Development Life Coach

“Logic will get you from A to Z; Imagination will get you everywhere.”

Albert Einstein

Find Your Path Forward

Are you in a position where you feel stuck, and the unnecessary drama in life is preventing you from reaching your highest potential? Understanding and prioritizing your needs is the key to change. With an unbiased approach, laser-focused coaching allows you to confidently focus on your inner fire and develop the necessary skills and awareness to break lifelong barriers and attain your goals. You are not stuck.

Benefits on Working on You

The amount of energy you put into working on yourself depends on you. Can you imagine if you shift your focus from social media, family gossip, negativity, a lack mindset, or even the constant comparison to those you secretly admire to yourself? Where would you be? Your mission should be your passion to be happily fulfilled in all aspects of yourself in this lifetime. The benefits of working on you. So, where’s your focus? Shift your focus to you and watch the tables turn. Get coached by DC!

Who is coaching for

Have you ever wondered how certain individuals make it to where they are now? Do you think it’s pure luck, discipline, or fate? Well, it’s a little bit of everything. A coach can help you see that all things are possible when you cannot see the way forward. Sometimes, we need another set of eyes and ears to guide us on the correct path. Cutting through the illusions of what we think is good for us, a coach helps us aim higher, seeing our full potential. Co-creating your dream reality and keeping you personally accountable, you will be motivated to aim higher! There is no magic sauce to people’s success. The magic is within you. You create magic as you’re coached to do so.

understand the people

Do you often find yourself saying, “No one understands me!”? This happens to almost all of us at least a handful of times in our lives. Help is available almost everywhere, but finding someone who truly understands your position is a challenge. The unbiased, versatile support person you need is a coach. Listening to your concerns, seeing your visions, and feeling your passion will fuel the coach within me to ignite you! I allow you to express yourself freely without fear of judgment, co-creating clear, cut directions to take the first steps towards your destiny. I hear you. I hear your words, and I hear your soul.

Build People's Dreams

Can you imagine building a house without a foundation? Just as a house depends on a solid foundation, so does your life. Life’s twists and turns can cause our foundations to fluctuate or remain incomplete. With the right mindset and coach, you can rebuild that foundation at any age and still reach your destination. Each day is an opportunity to set another layer of bricks. If you miss a day, it’s not the end, just a step behind. As a coach, I support you through rain, shine, and even tsunamis. Delays are inevitable, but staying committed to building yourself is a choice.

Know Your Worth

40+ Years Of Experience in Life

As your personal development coach, we heal what is required, address the stumbling blocks in front of you, and fuel your passion to reach your destination of choice. What your heart desires will be revealed, and transformation will begin once you allow yourself to let go of the old you. The new you awaits. So, where do you wish to start?

Personal Development

Self-Worth - Empowerment - Developing New Skills - Life Purpose

Business Development

Managment Skills - Procrastination - Team Building -Coaching

Sales Underdog!

Self Confidence - Elite Sales Training- Negotiation -Your Sales Pitch

Rise Above the Hate

Bullied - Undervalued - Highly Misunderstood - Underestimated - Crtitizized

Spiritual Empowerment

Spiritual Awaking - Assension - Vibration -Power of Mainfestation

Customize ME Option

Create your Own Destiny by you and for you


We Are Here To Help You With Any Questions You May Have

The coaching bundle commitment is available in 3-month increments (3, 6, or 9 months max). To see significant change, both mentally and physically, a minimum of 3 months is required. After completing one of these commitments, you can add single sessions as needed. Please refer to the specific details in the agreed-upon contract.

You can expect personalized attention where you are fully heard, understood, and respected. Each session is strategically guided to maximize impact, focusing on actionable steps and practical solutions. You’ll gain clarity, confidence, and the tools needed to ignite your inner potential and achieve your goals, all within a supportive and respectful environment.

The time needed to see progress largely depends on your level of commitment and willingness to transform. If you are truly committed to allowing yourself to stand in your power effortlessly, even a few focused sessions can lead to significant breakthroughs. Typically, clients start noticing positive changes within a few weeks of regular sessions. Consistent effort, openness to growth, and applying what you learn between sessions will accelerate your progress and help you achieve lifelong results.

No, I can’t guarantee that you’ll reach your goal because the action for change needs to come from you. It starts with you and ends with you. I will ignite your flame and keep you lit until you are ready to handle the fire within. With dedication and effort, you’ll discover the incredible power you have to achieve your dreams. You’ve already taken the first step by seeking out a coach, recognizing the massive potential within you! If you believe in yourself, then everyone else will believe in you too!

In divine timing, you will—with perseverance and faith. Don’t ever give up! Every effort you make brings you closer to success. Stay dedicated, keep pushing forward, and remember that persistence is key and the fire within will always be there. Light it up!


If you want change, then you must be the change. Our intense coaching sessions are designed to keep you focused on making the shift in your physical life. It’s like having two full-time jobs, but it’s worth it! With dedication and effort, you’ll see the transformation you seek. Every step you take brings you closer to your goals, and the journey is part of the lifelong reward. Stay committed, and together, we will make your dreams a reality.

Both coaching and counseling are valuable, but they serve different purposes. Consider your current needs and goals to determine which approach is right for you. If you’re ready to focus on igniting the fire within to achieve personal goals, coaching is the perfect fit. Counseling will serve you best if you wish to address emotional or psychological issues that need healing and understanding. At Ignite Within by DC, we will coach you to light up your inner fire and achieve your dreams!

Absolutely. While there is a fine line between the two, with respectable boundaries for your counseling sessions, you are free to express yourself in our coaching sessions as well. Coaching and counseling can complement each other, providing you with a holistic approach to personal growth and well-being. Counseling will address the root causes of all the emotional aspects holding you back, while coaching will propel you forward towards your destined direction. Together, we can simultaneously work towards achieving your personal and professional goals.

Yes, personal and professional development courses will be coming soon. Additionally, you can join our community of greatness through weekly seminars and webinars. This will ensure you continue to grow, stay inspired, and connect with like-minded individuals on your journey to success. Stay tuned for more opportunities to ignite your potential and achieve your goals!

Yes, our coaching service is confidential. A Notice of Non-Disclosure will be provided upon request. It is our business practice to keep all information confidential unless required by law.