Fortune Cookie Talk

Master of Your Shiat Show

Everyone is busy in life. No doubt about it. We all have too many things going on, but we’re making it work. The struggle is real, and by the end of the day, reality kicks in. Why is life so hard for most of us while others seem to float through without a care? Why!? Be the master of your shiat show.


Imagine life as a woodpecker, vibrant and rhythmic. Each day, you tap against the bark of trees, feeling the resonance through your beak as you search for food or carve out your home. Small but powerfully brilliant, woodpeckers remind us that even the smallest roles have great significance. You are of great significance!

Shoot Your Shot

We often wonder how people we envy get to where they are today. Envious or not, we all do it in our mind’s eye. Everyone has the opportunity to create their own reality. By overcoming trials and tribulations, we can get to where we want to be. Could we be further along? Probably. The real question is, do you have the willpower to take the shot and miss?

5 Effective Sales Traits for Guaranteed Success

We are all born natural salespeople, whether we realize it or not. How we hone and utilize these innate abilities can significantly influence our success. I’ve identified 5 effective sales traits that’s a must have for sales driven careers.

Bulletproof Your Energy

As we all know, everything is energy. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions attract this energy, shaping our experiences—often without our conscious awareness. Unintentionally, we draw in the good, the bad, and the ugly everywhere we go! Not everyone, nor every place or thing, deserves your energy.

Find the Good

We have no choice but to accept life responsibilities even though certain things do NOT bring us any joy whatsoever!

Mental Peace

We must remind ourselves that everything around us is impermanent. People, places, and things shall pass in due time.

Lucky You

Often, we fall into a lack mindset without even knowing it. Our words and thoughts become a magnet to things that do not serve us.

You’ve Got Fans

The more you achieve, the more they hate. The more you grow, the more they hate. Great job, you got fans!