Fortune Cookie Talk

Bulletproof Your Energy

Picture of By Fortune Cookie  |

By Fortune Cookie |

June 4, 2024 |

2 min. read

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As we all know, everything is energy. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions attract this energy, shaping our experiences—often without our conscious awareness. Unintentionally, we draw in the good, the bad, and the ugly everywhere we go!

We are all social butterflies in our special ways, and there is nothing wrong with that! However, we exist in a world teeming with unseen energies that can linger around us longer than they should, disrupting our natural state. Your energy is SACRED. It’s crucial to be mindful of who and what you allow into your energy field. Not everyone, nor every place or thing, deserves your energy.

It’s time to protect your energy, diligently! While you may be safeguarded by higher powers, it’s essential to take personal responsibility for your energetic boundaries. Ask for support from your spiritual guides to heighten your awareness of your surroundings. Pray to see the good, acknowledge the bad, and bulletproofed from all evil.


Bulletproof Your Energy.


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