Fortune Cookie Talk

You’ve Got Fans

The more you achieve, the more they hate. The more you grow, the more they hate. Great job, you got fans!


We give time and energy to the people we love because we are all compassionate human beings in nature. Can’t blame us for doing good.

Laser Focused Coaching

Laser Focused Coaching We experience life as we go. These experiences can cripple or empower our minds to believe in a vision that molds our identity over time. Life trauma has the power to co-create that future that we may not be destined for. Yet, we have no choice but to live through the B*S and find ourselves in the making. You don’t have to do it alone. A life coach can that identity the root causes of your illusions that you cannot see. A life coach will pull you through the life hurdles when you won’t. A life coach that will guide you on your path when you can’t see the road ahead. A life coach focuses on your main needs, on your time, and in the hopes’ that you find yourself sooner rather than later in life. Fortune cookie life coach will find YOU!  5/5

5 Reasons WHY you Fail in Sales

We all know sales is a numbers game, yadi yadi yada! Selling is a mindset of how we analyze and execute actions to make a sale come to fruition. Simple, but harder than you think.

Hello Kids – Welcome to Adulthood!

You will not be lost for long. Take a deep breath and take a step in any direction you choose. You will soon realize what direction to go and where not to go. Take that step or you will be LOST.

Balanced Nature

Every so often we need to recharge. The world is turning into one big vortex and we need to find grounds. Grounds to ground our selves in our sacred space.

Sending You Hugs & Fortune

Sending you hugs and fortune to let you know I see your accomplishments when you don’t. I am proud of you. Keep Going!!

Let Nature Answer

Let Nature Answer   There are days when we ask “why” to all the questions that linger in the back of our heads and that we never address. There are an infinite number of answers on the internet. Even Google’s search engine can’t come up with just one answer.     If we allow our soul to ask nature, do you think we would have a list of answers or just one that speaks to us?    It’s time to reunite our souls with the goodness of nature and let the Earth’s energy lead you to the one true answer you’re looking for. Mother Earth will speak to you loud and clear when you are the most still in the present.    Focus inward and listen to how nature magically answer your soul.  5/5

Happiness is the NEW GOLD!!!

Happiness is the NEW GOLD!   Go for GOLD!!    Life is full of extra that we don’t need, but yet we get distracted by all the nuances. Distracted by the newest trends, gadgets, even new emotions, and connections you name it we have it somewhere out there. That instant gratification that makes you yearn for more to fill the void.   When you are not happy soulfully, all the extras mentioned above, will either hit a nerve and enrage you even more because you’re looking for INSTANT GRATIFICATION that you cannot control. Are you truly happy?   Get stupidly, madly, deeply in love with yourself and realize you got GOLD!  5/5