Fortune Cookie Talk

About Me

Hello! I’m Donna, nice to virtually meet you!! 


I’m your forever- talking Fortune Cookie – Master Certified Professional Coach who will enlighten and guide you through all the B*S* of what LIFE has to offer! I promise you there is a beautiful YOU waiting to be discovered. It’s my job to guide you on the journey of discovery and the MAGIC you hold inside. Let me show you the way.

A little about me….


I can honestly say I’ve lived the “tough love” type of life. To keep things graceful, I am humbly grateful to my parents and everyone, for all the negative, and positive experiences in my life. I will not dwell on my past pains but use it for the greater good to Power My Passion



How Did I Start Transforming People’s Lives?


I started in the mortgage industry 15+ years ago. Day in, day out, I speak to people at the highest and the lowest points of their lives, some eager to buy their dream home but also others desperate to keep a roof over their heads. So, quickly I realized the ability to connect with my clients, empathize with their situation and build the up emotionally and psychologically (as well as financially) was invaluable. Most of the time it had nothing to do with mortgages, they were seeking answers to questions that were not asked. I answered. 

Watching my clients and business partners’ lives transform brought me so much joy and cherished the time we spent. So, to answer your question on your mind about how I went from mortgage lending to life coaching is, I didn’t. I am still in the mortgage industry, and I’ve always been a coach to all my friends, clients, colleagues, business partners, managers, you name it. I’m passionate about helping people become more effective and fulfilled in their lives, and I’m lucky I can do it alongside mortgage lending. Everyone who I have crossed paths with me I was able to share a little light of inspiration that transformed.  


My goal is to reach and inspire more people through Fortune Cookie Talk and provide you daily fortune cookie messages that feed your soul, creative blogs to awaken your path, and YouTube videos of me rambling on about lifelong haters and how to persevere.

Also, provide you with the opportunity to work with me for a deeper collaboration to self-discovery. Professional Life Coaching is now available for those who are ready to STEP INTO THEIR TRUTH.






My wish is to help you see a vision of your future self, earlier in life rather than later. I hope you find strength within yourself when no one is around. I urge you to have the courage to take the steps you need without thinking you need a helping hand. I encourage you to love yourself, unconditionally, regardless of other people’s bad judgement. I pray you find your GOD and build that connection so strong that not even Mother Earth can take you down! Last but not least, I would be over the MOON when you realize YOU ARE the most valuable asset you need to move yourself forward regardless of the situation you think you’re “trapped” in!


Time to Tap - That - Cookie !!

I speak the truth of what you need to hear and not what the latest college textbook edition has to say. I am certainly not a licensed therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist nor do I wish to be one. I am a 100% Sales Driven – Empowerment Leadership and Transformational Coach with a sales twist to make you realize yourself worth. Based on my iconic insights, I will provide you with my knowledge and your tools you forgot you had. You are the only one that can help yourself get through life’s hurdles and become the highest version of yourself. 

As your coach, I will hand you all your tools, in order, to REBUILD YOU as well as put out the massive fire you leave behind as you rise above the flames!!

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 Life Coach 



Who Do I Help/Serve?

I welcome everyone – all nationalities, all spiritual beliefs, all professions. Please note, I do have a sale driven mentality. So, for those that are not in the sales profession are still very welcomed with open arms. Fair warning, you will eventually become a naturally heighten salesperson true in nature. LOL

l hope we can work together to find your inner strength to answer your heart’s desires. Your light is the most valuable asset to humanity. We need your light to shine so we can shine ours.  


Thank you for shining your light! 



Hugs & Fortune