Fortune Cookie Talk

5 Reasons Why You Fail in Sales

Picture of By Fortune Cookie  |

By Fortune Cookie |

November 1, 2023 |

5 min. read

We all know sales is a numbers game, yadi yadi yada! Selling is a mindset of how we analyze and execute actions to make a sale come to fruition. Simple, but harder than you think.


The purpose of this article is to provide some insights for those who struggle to get on the leaderboard or are inconsistent with their numbers. I highlighted some, (but there are many), problems to address to become the better sales version of yourself. These are based on my experience and the observation of highly successful salespeople. No matter how hard we work or how driven we are, efficient work is key.


Here are 5 reasons why you may be struggling in sales or need to re-visit skills you forgot you had.

5 Reason You Fail in Sales



  1. Not Authentic

You have less than 1 minute to prove your authenticity before you are judged by your audience. Sadly, this is how our world works, and it’s your only opportunity to either win your audience or lose them. Are you confident enough to be transparent upfront? Be authentic, build trust, and your clients will follow.


  1. Lack of Confidence

Your body language, stage presence, and even tone of voice lack confidence. When you’re in the moment and you feel the passion in your bones, you’ll naturally exude confidence. Your voice should speak from your soul and not from your ego. Do you believe you have confidence in the products you are selling even though you know you do not?


  1. Listening Skills

How effective are your listening skills? Can you draw up a conclusion within 2-3 minutes of listening to a client’s needs without interrupting? Be honest with yourself. Your mind should be painting the picture as they speak, and your heart should be creating the solution they need. The accuracy of your immediate answer will validate your creditability almost instantly. Listen before you start preaching.


  1. Service to others

Other than selling your products and services, how are you of service to others in your daily life? It is very important to be of service to others even when you are not selling. Yes, you read that right!! When you are standing in your true power and authenticity being you – you will naturally give off the vibes of someone who services others, in anything you do, without even knowing it. People gravitate towards people of service more than a pushy salesperson.


  1. Too Self- Centered

This is a common struggle and here I am addressing this very common struggle, again! It’s okay to be confident but do not think for one second that an inflated ego will take you to the finish line. Keep in mind that 99% of consumers will buy from someone they like. Someone who is trustworthy as well as respectable, that provides a service for the benefit of others. Think about it. Would you hire yourself?


Final Thoughts,


The struggle is real! I can keep going on for days about this topic. Having these 5 qualities will help you to become a more respected salesperson that we all want to hire!


The top salespeople were either born this way or realized that they were going downhill and needed change. It’s wicked how their manner does all selling for them, effortlessly. Yes, they know their products. Yes, they have a system in place that works. Yes, they do all the right things a salesperson should do. The difference is how they capture and close deals like no one else. They’re magnetic when they are providing services for the people and not for themselves. Try it, see what happens.


I am forever blessed to be surrounded by highly successful salespeople who I constantly study! HA! Never stop working on your craft. Keep sharpening yourself every day because your competition is doing the same!! Everyone is a salesperson in nature, but it takes a special kind of person to be Top Dog. YOU ARE TOP DOG QUALITY – BELIEVE THAT!! You are heading in the right direction, and I wish you the very best of luck, with lots of hugs, and fortune!! 



Happy Selling!



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